Monday, February 5, 2007

The Update

This is Angels Camp, people. The beautified version. More realistic pictures to come...

This journey has been an exciting and taxing one. Waves of emotions and realizations, but it is all a beautiful challenge and a great change of scenery. I am lucky to be here, but also anxious for this next step I am planning to make. So, many of you are probably asking, WHAT IS dear Betsy doing up in those sticks? Well, let me tell you, life is (almost) in it's simplest nature here. It has been refreshing and eye opening. I am getting down to my roots and actually finding out what that means and who that is.

Ive been:
1. working at the local newspaper laying out graphics...simple, simple, interesting and above all, relaxing in it's lack of responsibility. ha!
2. a hermit at my parent's house working on my projects, mainly my F-ing WEBSITE. That's right, you heard that correct. For those of you who know, I've been talking about this for YEARS and it is now, finally, coming to fruition. Half way there, people!
3. traveling to a local gym...25 minutes away!
4. manual labor for my father resulting in my transition to a regular mountain woman
5. learning I cant be such a picky eater in the hills, but it's surprisingly accommodating my habits
6. playing with babies (of friends) and my nephew, and enjoying being close to family
7. debating grad school
8. DRIVING, DRIVING, DRIVING because it takes flipping so long to get anywhere.
9. watching the sun rise, and set
10. slowly catching up with old friends and finding out about their drastically changed lives. its gorgeous.
11. reminiscing about all of you far, far away
and finally, yes, JOB SEARCHING... while soul searching

So, that, my friends, is what dear Betsy has been up to in the sticks. I am missing all of those far away more than imaginable. BUT, Ill visit soon! WEBSITE announcement coming soon! More blogs soon!

love to all!

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